Indian Social & Research Foundation Akola’s



(Accredited by NAAC with "B" Grade with a CGPA of 2.01)
AISHE Code: C - 42969

Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati

Criterion Wise Metrics

College Profile Extended Profile Criterion Wise Metrics

Criteria-I Criteria-II Criteria-III Criteria-IV Criteria-V Criteria-VI

Criterion II: Teaching- Learning and Evaluation

Student Enrolment & Profile
Metrics No. Description Document
2.1.1 Enrolment percentage
2.1.1 (A) Final Addmission list as published by HEI and endorsed by the competent authority
2.1.2 Percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc. as per applicable reservation policy during the last five years (Exclusive of supernumerary seats)
Teaching- Learning Process
2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences using ICT tools
Teacher Profile and Quality
2.4.1 Percentage of full-time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years
2.4.1 (A) Sanctioned letters indicating no. of post sanctioned by the competent authority including management sanctioned post
2.4.2 Percentage of full time teachers with NET/SET/SLET/ Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Superspeciality / D.Sc. / D.Litt. during the last five years (consider only highest degree for count)
2.4.2 (A) List of faculties having Ph.D./NET/SET
2.4.2 (B) Copies of Ph.D./NET/SET awarded by UGC recognized universities
Evaluation Process and Reforms
2.5.1 Mechanism of internal/ external assessment is transparent and the grievance redressal system is time- bound and efficient
Student Performance and Learning Outcome
2.6.1 Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and attainment of POs and COs are evaluated

2.6.2 Attaintment of POs and COs are evaluated
2.6.3 Pass percentage of Students during last five years
2.6.3 (A) Certified report from controller examination of the affiliating university indicating pass percentage of students of the final year